Making Disciples.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
- Matthew 28:19-20

Wednesday Worship & Small Groups
The mission of Family Life Students is to meet and equip students where they are with the good news of Jesus Christ. We minister to 6th through 12th grade students, and have a number of ways they can get involved. Our Wednesday evening service gives our students the opportunity to worship together, discuss and learn together, and have gospel community with each other and their small group leaders.
We want to encourage your students to grow into fully mature followers of Jesus. To this end, we provide a more focused time for middle school and high school students to dig deep into the Word and wrestle with the hard truths of the Christian faith:
- Middle School Discipleship Group - Sunday mornings at 9:00 in the Student Space at Family Life Church.
- High School Discipleship Group - TBD

Why Small Groups?
Small Groups are an essential part of our student ministry at Family Life Church. They are led by dedicated adult volunteers who want to love on and build relationships with the teenagers in our community. Research has proven that one of the best ways for a student to grow spiritually is to have an adult mentor in their life (other than their parents) who can model for them what it looks like to follow Jesus.
Sundays & Wednesdays
Sundays at 9:00am
Our middle school discipleship group meets on Sunday mornings in the student space. 9:00 am.
Our high school discipleship group will begin meeting in the fall. More info to come.
Our high school discipleship group will begin meeting in the fall. More info to come.
Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Our Wednesday evening worship service for students takes place at Family Life Church in the Student Space.