One Mind

“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” – Philippians 2:1-2
The world we live in today is extremely fractured. All you have to do is turn on the news, and you’ll see a society here in the United States that is divided over all kinds of issues. Political parties, the refugee crisis, border control, income inequality (or lack thereof), medicare, LGBT rights, government spending, etc. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just want to bury my head in the sand and pretend that the world around me doesn’t exist. Unfortunately, for those of us who follow Christ, this isn’t an option. We Christ-followers should be a model for the unbelieving world of what true unity actually looks like. Why? Because we are, as Paul reminds his readers in Philippians 2:2, expected to be “of the same mind, having the same love” and to be “in full accord and of one mind.” We, the Church, are also known as the Body of Christ. We are united under the headship of Jesus. And we can model unity for the world, because Christ has brought us together! In Christ, all dividing walls are laid low! In Jesus, people from all different backgrounds (ethnic, social, or otherwise) are brought together! Paul spurs us on in Philippians 2:1 by reminding us of four things:
1. He reminds us of our experience of salvation!
2. He reminds us of Christ’s love for us!
3. He reminds us of our participation in the Spirit!
4. He reminds us of the affection that Christ Himself showed us through His death on the cross for our sins!
So take heart! Remember that regardless of the division that we see in the world around us, you and I have something in common. We are united by Jesus. We are brought together by the Gospel. May we use every opportunity to model this unity for the world around us. Why? Because through unity, through being “of the same mind,” Christ is glorified. Through modelling unity, those who live in darkness are drawn towards the light of the Gospel. Remember, it’s not only what we say, but how we live, that matters. So live differently. Live as you are called to live…in unity with your siblings in Christ!
The world we live in today is extremely fractured. All you have to do is turn on the news, and you’ll see a society here in the United States that is divided over all kinds of issues. Political parties, the refugee crisis, border control, income inequality (or lack thereof), medicare, LGBT rights, government spending, etc. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just want to bury my head in the sand and pretend that the world around me doesn’t exist. Unfortunately, for those of us who follow Christ, this isn’t an option. We Christ-followers should be a model for the unbelieving world of what true unity actually looks like. Why? Because we are, as Paul reminds his readers in Philippians 2:2, expected to be “of the same mind, having the same love” and to be “in full accord and of one mind.” We, the Church, are also known as the Body of Christ. We are united under the headship of Jesus. And we can model unity for the world, because Christ has brought us together! In Christ, all dividing walls are laid low! In Jesus, people from all different backgrounds (ethnic, social, or otherwise) are brought together! Paul spurs us on in Philippians 2:1 by reminding us of four things:
1. He reminds us of our experience of salvation!
2. He reminds us of Christ’s love for us!
3. He reminds us of our participation in the Spirit!
4. He reminds us of the affection that Christ Himself showed us through His death on the cross for our sins!
So take heart! Remember that regardless of the division that we see in the world around us, you and I have something in common. We are united by Jesus. We are brought together by the Gospel. May we use every opportunity to model this unity for the world around us. Why? Because through unity, through being “of the same mind,” Christ is glorified. Through modelling unity, those who live in darkness are drawn towards the light of the Gospel. Remember, it’s not only what we say, but how we live, that matters. So live differently. Live as you are called to live…in unity with your siblings in Christ!
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