
***This post was written by Pastor Robbie Ashlock***
Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. -2 Corinthians 4:18
I am thankful today. I am thankful for you. You have been on my heart a lot lately, and I have been praying for you. You might not realize it, but you are so important to us here at Family Life. Why? Because without you we wouldn’t have this ministry.
I know that I don’t tell you this enough, but I would like to start doing a better job of it. “I LOVE YOU!” Now, I know that might seem a little trite, but I do. Well actually, we do! “WE LOVE YOU!”
You are the reason that we put in the time praying, planning, working, serving, and so much more. Now I’ve always known this, and I hope that you have known it too, but it has been magnified over the last few months. As the old saying goes, “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” And we have an amazing church family!
So much about our lives and ministry has changed over the last few months, and honestly that is okay. Change can be a good thing. We are learning a lot of new things and hopefully that will only help us better love and serve one another.
It has been great to see many of our families gathering again for worship, fellowship, and the Word on Sunday mornings. It has been so encouraging to see and speak to you face to face! It has also been encouraging that even though some of you have decided to stay home for now you have continued to join us weekly for our livestream services. Thank you for continuing to remain faithful.
I just wanted to take a moment to remind you that whether you have started attending again in person or are waiting to come back, YOU MATTER! You are a part of our church family and we could not do this without. Actually, we wouldn’t want to do this without you.
We are looking forward to each new day as more and more of us are able to gather together in community. We are looking forward to all of the new ministry opportunities that are presenting themselves. For some this will happen quickly, and for others it will take time, but we will continue to do all that we can to love and care for all of you! You are our family!
My prayer is that as we walk through this journey, we will not lose heart. We are the body of Christ and we have a responsibility to one another. We won’t always get it right, but we will do all that we can to love one another and show grace in all circumstances. It is the grace of God that has allowed us to come this far and it is His grace that will carry us on.
Though at times it may be a struggle may we never give up. On the outside things might appear hard, but inwardly and corporately we will be restored and renewed. We are looking forward to seeing you all sooner rather than later. We will do our best to reach out to you, but we also want to challenge each of you to reach into us as we all reach up together! WE LOVE YOU!
Keep the Son in your eyes, Robbie
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